28prt-12 Color Scheme:
Olive-skinned beauty in maroon and pinks

Basecoat is RMS Tanned Skin Shadow 09043
Highlight 1 is RMS Tanned Shadow + RMS Tanned Skin 09044
Highlight 2 is RMS Tanned Skin
Highlight 3 is RMS Tanned Skin + RMS Tanned Highlight 09045
Highlight 4 is RMS Tanned Highlight
Highlight 5 is RMS Tanned Highlight + RMS Pure White
Highlight 6 RMS Pure White in really small amounts around the ruffles on the chest, and on areas of the leg to make it look more toned.
Top and Overskirt:
Basecoat is VGC Gore Red + 2 parts Skull White
Highlight 1 is VGC Gore Red + 3 parts Skull White
Highlight 2 is VGC Gore Red + 4 parts Skull White
Highlight 3 is VGC Gore Red + 5 parts Skull White
Highlight 4 is VGC Skull White
Underskirt, Choker and Bustier:
Basecoat is RPP Walnut + 2 parts VGC Gore Red
Highlight 1 is RPP Walnut + 4 parts VGC Gore Red
Highlight 2 is RPP Walnut + 6 parts VGC Gore Red
Highlight 3 is VGC Gore Red
Boots, Hair and Scabbard:
I used the same recipe as the one above for the shoes of 28prt-4. I highlighted individual strands of hair up to RMS Linen White. Then I touched up some of the shadows with Walnut. I did not do any washes on the hair.
I used a similar technique as outlined for the other figures. I covered the base in Crayola White Glue, and then dipped the base in cornmeal. Once it dried, I painted it in Desert Gold, and then highlighted it with Spring Yellow. I added some static grass and flowers, both glued on with Crayola White Glue.