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DIY Flight Stands: Finishing the Bases


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emckinney writes:

Oh, well. gweirda's link is dead and the Way back Machine didn't archive it.

Revision Log
17 January 2008page first published

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Blind Old Hag Fezian writes:

Materials required:

As required

The final step is to finish the bases. How this is done is up to your preferences. I opted to paint mine blue.

I first masked off the rod using tape, and then primed the bases gray. Once the primer was dry, I then sprayed the bases using Krylon Fusion blue. (With Krylon Fusion, you don't have to prime first, but I did.)

Next, you can add any details to the base to indicate speed, aircraft number, direction of flight, or anything else you desire.

I opted to add the above using a silver metallic Sharpie pen - as you can see in the following photo:

Painted base with speed indicator

The speed indicator dial is made from a pin measuring about 2" long. I cut about ¼" off the end, and bent it into a ring shape using a small pair of pliers.

Well, that about sums it up! If you have any questions or comments, or would like to share your ideas, you can email me at
