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Zaphod Beeblebrox continues: Well since I was so uninspired, I felt I had to get some good color happening soon, and that is what I did next. Starting with Vallejo Game Color Scar Red, I based the entire outside of his trenchcoat with it. Shading was quite easy, simply blending down to Vallejo Cadmium Maroon, and then doing some unifying blends in rough spots. ![]() I really want this guy bright, so when I do the highlighting, I will go to extremes sometimes! From the Scar Red base, I blended up through Vallejo Game Color Bloody Red to Vallejo Orange Red. Highlights were blended up further to Vallejo Light Orange and even mixed up with some white for the odd spot. Overall, he was poppin' nicely, and I had a good start, and something to look at! ![]() Now using Heroic colors, I thought either I would do white tights or blue, so when it came to the body suit, blue was in order. I base-colored it using Vallejo Prussian Blue, and mixed in some black for shading purposes. From the Vallejo Prussian Blue, I blended up through Vallejo Andrea Blue, and mixed white in for the final highlights (like the boots, and down his leg...). I also felt that I really wanted white cuffs, so I did his hands as if they were gloved or covered by the same body suit. ![]() The third color was white. I started by painting the inside of his coat, including the collar and his belt and cuffs with Vallejo Game Color Bone White. I wanted some well-defined shading in spots, especially under the inside of his coat, so I blending to about 50/50 of the Vallejo Game Color Bone White and Vallejo Chocolate Brown. I had to do a little unifying blending here and there, especially on the big area, but it turned out okay. From the Vallejo Game Color Bone White base, I added white until I was highlighting pure white for everything. ![]() |