Whilst this was drying, I started to paint the horses and chariot. I painted the horses' coats in Foundry Canvas 8A, and the chariot body in Vallejo Ochre Brown (856/127):

Then I painted the manes and tails black, and the side-panels of the chariot in Foundry Madder 60B, and the inside 'wickerwork' in Foundry Canvas 8A:

After that, I drybrushed the black bits on the horses, and painted Boltgun Metal on the chariot wheels.

And here are chariot, horses, etc, with everything except the hooves painted (they were done later, with Foundry Charcoal Grey 34C and Canvas 8A) - note, just one basecoat was used, except on the black parts which are drybrushed grey. After this, the horses and chariot were ready for The Dip: