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Empires: Polynikes & Chronoglide

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€35.28 EUR


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22 August 2004page first published

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4,601 hits since 22 Aug 2004
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Polynikes in traditional gaming regalia

Through watching old episodes of Quincy and Columbo, I have finely-developed analytical skills, and know a great deal about forensic science. I shall use these talents to disect the game mechanics of Empires and discover its true worth.

"I just don't buy it, Sam, it looks like murder..."

Oh, just one more thing... I always take competitions like these absolutely seriously.


Chronoglide playing by himself

I have over 20 years wargaming experience and have played a wide variety of genres including historical (ancient and modern), contemporary, Sci-fi, fantasy and near-future. I am a member of the SFSFW and have written for and edited several fanzines and magazines over my long history as a gamer.

The Report

Hi, chaps. Here's what has turned out to be a somewhat truncated effort by team Polynikes/Chronoglide.

We ran into unexpected difficulties part way through our efforts, so please forgive us for not strictly following the competition rules. Or disqualify us if you like, we probably deserve it. But I felt I owed my beloved TMP'ers something more than silence, so here is our pathetic excuse for an entry...