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Finalist comicbkguy writes: First of all I think I am supposed to give a short introduction of myself. My name is Michael and I have been painting minis off and on for about eleven years now (since I was seventeen). I have just started painting again in the last year. ![]() I have found the internet to be a fantastic resource for me in my painting. Having access to other painters work and techniques has improved the quality of my work about 1000%. ![]() I don't really play any kind of miniature games, just painting and occasionally selling pieces online. I got started painting back when I played D&D, like most people who are probably reading this. ![]() Unfortunately I don't have time to play any more - many times I don't have time to paint - as my day job keeps me busy often. I work as an art director for a toy company and often am so sick of painting and assembling prototypes during the day that I am not prepared to pick up a brush when I get home at night. I know, I should definitely quit complaining. I know how lucky I am to have such a great job. |