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Pete Paints Battle Honors' 25mm Italian Command

Italian Command/Europe
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$15.00 USD

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2 October 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Patrice Vittesse Fezian writes:

When I first saw these figures arrive in the post, I got that nervous excitement I always get when painting up new, interesting figures - but this was quickly rationalized with the thought that I would have to work out how to paint them!!! However, I was gifted with a very free hand in style by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian.

Figures are based
Italian officer
Radio operator and radio

I Googled-fued, and this turned up numerous different uniforms to choose from, the simplest of which (and therefore my favourite!) was the Fucileri gray fatigue uniform. I checked with a friend's Osprey to see that the details I had were right, and despite a few slight differences (ones that I would be willing to make just to make the figures seems a bit brighter or more interesting - black or green belts, for instance), much was the same between the two.

I started by sticking all of the figures to bases, and gave them a black spray undercoat.

Rifleman, black undercoated

Then I based the miniatures. I did this by applying a liberal amount of Polyfilla mixed with brown paint...

Polyfilla/paint applied

...and then dipped this in sand.

Basing sand

The effect was such that the sand was held in place by the Polyfilla, and after a shake and a tap, were sound.

Figure with sand

I then coated the bases in a darker brown, and drybrushed the raised areas with a yellowy ochre colour and a green, to simulate parched and lush grass. The overall effect of the basing, whilst not superb, is satisfactory for a wargames standard.

Finished basing