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I knew as soon as I took the figure out of the blister that I wanted to paint my Knight so he'd appear to have chrome armor plates on over a shiny black skin suit. I'd seen another I-Kore VOID mini painted like that and I really enjoyed the effect. So what to do with the armor was easy...I was at a loss for what to do with the trench coat though! I knew I wanted to paint some kind of freehand design on there, but had no idea what. I sat down and doodled for bit and an idea struck me as I looked over a sketch that looked vaguely like a WWII era pinup... I'd paint the trench coat in the style of old bomber jackets! It would have a pinup on the back and campaign and unit patches on the front and sleeves (and maybe some rank insignia on the collar and cuffs). I knew what I wanted to do now...but felt that I needed to somehow explain why VASA's stealthy assassin type was going around in this flashy outfit! I'd read the I-Kore fluff on Knights of the Balance - these guys are skilled sneaks and assassins and tend to be loners. The loner bit was my springboard. I decided that my knight was a cocky and flamboyant fellow and traveled the galaxy in a ship he'd dubbed the Slippery Vixen. Tada! That explains the outfit! Now down to painting. First, since I wanted to do a pinup on his back, I decided to leave the rifle off and I resculpted his back (he had a little divot for attaching the rifle). I already knew my basic colors so I put those down first: light blue for the armor plates, brown for the coat, and black for skin suit. ![]() Next I painted some very fine lines onto his suit. I used a few shades of gray for these, but the last highlight was pure white. I wanted the suit to look like it was made of something like patent leather. After finishing with the suit, I started on the chrome plates. I began with thinned Sky Blue Ink (GW). I used this to darken the tops of the plates (representing the reflected sky). ![]() Next I used thinned Wolf Brown (Iron Wind/Partha) to paint the bottom half of the plates. I used the same method on all but one plate - if you look, you'll see that the plate on his right thigh has no brown...this is because the angle it sits at wouldn't allow it to reflect the ground. In general, I just wanted to suggest highly reflective metal...I wasn't too concerned about being hyper-accurate with the reflections on the plates. Next I carefully lined the plates with white, added a reflection of the sun, and put in a little streak that I think helps to make the plates look shiny. ![]() With the armor done, I turned to the coat. On the base coat I'd used Battle Brown (Iron Wind/Partha) with some black added in to darken it up. For the first highlights I used very thin Battle Brown. Next I added a little Wolf Brown to the mix, and finished with a final, very selective, highlight of pure (thinned) Wolf Brown. After finishing the coat, I decided to paint the swords black. I had no idea at this point what I wanted the swords to look like, but black seemed like a good place to start. The main coloring of the coat was finished, but it desperately needed some detail. It was time to paint on the pinup and patches! I started with the pinup. I sketched out exactly what I wanted on paper first. I drew it very small (nearly as small as it would end up on the mini). I did the drawing so small to get my hand used to the small movements I'd need to make to draw the pinup onto the mini. I used a 3-0 brush for the whole pinup. I painted the planet first, then the girl, then the space around the planet, and finished with the words Slippery Vixen. ![]() With the pinup done, I moved on to the patches. I did a couple name-tag-szed things on the front of his jacket, along with a yin-yang symbol. One sleeve got a patch that looks remarkably similar to an Airborne patch, while the other got a VASA patch. I added small collar devices to his collar. That was it for the jacket detail! I painted the swords pretty quickly, going for a very basic but effective non-metallic metal look. It worked out okay, but could be touched up to look lots better with more time. Last came the rifle. I started by painting it black. Next I painted the individual plates on the gun a dark grey, leaving some black in the recesses. I finished up with a couple layers of highlights along the edges of the plates and some red for the scope optics. Just a quick write up this time, but I hope I've given you some clues as to how I achieved the look I did. Thanks for looking!!! See the Finished Pictures |