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Beowulf Paints a Drow Archer, Part III


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2 February 2009page first published

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3,506 hits since 2 Feb 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Beowulf Fezian writes:

I painted the hair Light Grey, and drybrushed it Vallejo White.

I wanted a very striking white for the hair, so I did not do it before (since the brown wash would have toned the white down too much).

Almost there! I picked out the eyes in white, with no pupils. I think she looks more sinister that way. The gems were picked out with GW Blood Red, and I mixed GW Shadow Grey and Space Wolf Grey to highlight the skin, particularly the face.

More detailing

The hairband was painted Saddle Brown, and carefully washed with Nut Brown. The painting is done!

Painting done!
Painting done! (back)

I applied diluted white glue to the base, and sprinkled my own mixture of static grass and flock on it. Lastly, I gave the archer a coat of matt varnish to protect it, and kill the unwanted gloss that the ink has.

Finished (back)
Finished (back)
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Voila! Now Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian has another archer to add to his evil legions! Surface elves beware!