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Hellboy Villains: Baba Yaga

Hellboy Villains Miniatures
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$24.95 USD


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RobH writes:

Did you have any trouble with the flight peg?

Only in that I wanted her to be flying at an angle not straight up vertical. Getting a balance was the tricky bit. The weight of the figure is countered by the small stones into which the peg is mounted.

Revision Log
26 February 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

RobH writes:

This is a really neat figure, a witch with wooden legs flying around in a wooden mortar (not, as often described, the pestle - which is the grinding stick she carries). She is actually a creature from Russian mythology, and appears in many of the comics as a re-occurring character.

The mortar and pestle were painted in Vomit Brown, with a wood grain pattern created by painting lines of Vomit Brown mixed 50/50 with white for the pale lines, and 50/50 with Scorched Brown for the dark. The entire wooden surfaces then getting a coat of pure chestnut ink. I painted her wooden legs at the same time.

Her flesh is Dwarf Flesh mixed 50/50 with Elf Flesh, to which a tiny amount of Goblin Green is added. This is highlighted by adding more Elf Flesh into the mix, and finally by adding a tiny amount of white. The red robe and hat are painted in Scab Red highlighted with Blood Red.

Her hair is Shadow Grey mixed with a small amount of black, highlighted with Shadow Grey and, finally, Ghostly Grey. The darkest mix was also used to create a specific wash around her face to demarcate the pale hair from the pale flesh colour.

An overall coat of matt varnish, followed by a satin coating for the wooden pieces, complete the figure.

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"Baba Yaga"