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4 - Final Thoughts

Early Imperial Army (25mm Groundscale)
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Celtic Army (25mm Groundscale)
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29 October 2003page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Robert Brown of Friar Barb's Painting Monastery writes:

Although I paint for a living and, as such, have become fairly quick in painting figures, I think even a beginner in miniature wargaming would do well with 6mm figures and should be able to paint them in a short amount of time.

Roman infantry

As with other scale figures, you can apply as much or as little detail as you would want.

Celtic cavalry

I do believe the one of the main appeals of 6mm over other scales is the sense of mass they give when "deployed" on the table.

Massed Roman infantry

As such, I would focus on the main details - especially in the beginning.

Celtic warriors

By the time you mount them, you may not even be able to see a lot of detail even up close.

Roman artillery

Not that I am advocating sloppy painting. (I do, however, advocate Sloppy Joes!!! HmmmMmmm!)

Celtic chariots

It seems the major drawback to this hobby is the time it takes to paint the figures. By the time some painters/gamers are finished, they have lost interest in what they are painting (interest being a sustaining force for painting and gaming), and end up with a pile(s) of unpainted lead headed for the TMP Marketplace boards or Bartertown.

Charging Celtic cavalry

So, my advice for those interested in 6mm is to start with a manageable pile of whatever lead interests you. And, then paint it!!! Focus on doing a decent paint job and get them on the table. It is better to game with a division that is painted, than to not game with an entirely unpainted corps.

More Roman cavalry

Later, you can add more detail to your painting or go back and touch up what you have already painted.

Roman cavalry

I want to say thanks to Bill Armintrout for allowing me to complete this article, and to Peter Berry at Baccus for supplying the figures. So, here goes...
