Hello, everyone! Sorry I was late responding with my report, I have absolutely no good excuse so I'm going to say that the garden gnome ate my homework...
Anyways, the box arrived at my front door on Wednesday, April 12th, and when I got home that evening I had a quick look at all the various painted and unpainted minis that were cozily packed away. I generally enjoy painting Dwarfs, and the two Dwarf Kings grabbed my attention, but I figured I would try something new so the Falconer from Mega Miniatures was my victim.

He got a nice little reddish-brown cloak and pretty standard clothes. My official excuse as to why his cloak isn't decorated is that I didn't have enough time to do any freehand. (Don't tell, but I probably wouldn't have done any freehand work anyways since I'm basically no good at doing freehand, but this way it looks like I intended to not be a slacker.)
I really wanted to get the box sent away and in the hands of the next person before Easter, so I went into speed-painting mode. I primed the guy about 5:00 that evening, sat him out in the sun to dry. After putting my son to bed, I got started painting around 8:00 later that night. By 10:30 he was done and I was tired. The next day I went to the 3rd St. Louis Cardinals game at the new Busch Stadium...

I decided that I would take a couple of the painted miniatures with me (I thought security might question me if I took a brown box in), and I feel pretty confident that these minis were the first miniatures in this stadium. Most of my pictures turned out a little blurry, but this one shows a bit of downtown and the arch in the background. The Cardinals lost the game in the 11th inning, but from what I could tell the Falconer and his new friend Mr. S.W.A.T. Team Member had a good time.

I got home Thursday and headed straight to the post office, where I got a new clerk in training. Talking to her, she assured me that my package would get to Texas on Saturday which made me happy*. I left the package to the care of the post office and the box continued on its way.
I really enjoyed looking through the box and seeing all the figures, and this also gave me an excellent excuse to break out the brushes since this guy was the first little man I've painted in about 3 months. Thanks for the opportunity!
* I later heard that the box didn't make it there until Monday, which made me unhappy...