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Painting the Beowolf

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15 March 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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B1BFlyer writes:

To save text, for the remainder of the write-up, please assume I'm using Vallejo paints unless I specify differently.

Once that had dried, I started working on the armored car. I basecoated the vehicle with U.S. Field Drab on the body, and Black on the tires. I drybrushed a coat of Ral Partha Tan to highlight the panels and details, then a thin wash of brown ink and black paint was applied to produce some shadows.

I then left the car and began working on the mech itself. I began basecoating the majority of the panels with Military Green. I also used Flat Aluminum over the areas I wanted to be white or grey, and Gory Red to the opposite leg. Beige Brown was applied throughout, as well, and some basic rust spots were added so I could get a feel of how the mini would look when completed.

At this point I wasn't sure if I liked the selection of green and red, but I'm keeping a positive mindset, and considering the final appearance will differ greatly from the basic colors (once I apply another wash or two and start highlighting and blending).

Now I blocked in the upper torso sections, after making up my mind to use Pastel Blue as the base - being careful to leave a lot of the panel edges exposed with the grey basecoat. I added more Military Green and Beige Brown to the torso and arms, with some Flat Aluminum on the head, shoulder and jumpjets. Neutral Grey was added to the hands and various spots, while Reaper Pro Armor Grey was added to the joints.

More colors added

Next, I added a thin black ink wash (thinned with water and Flo-Aid, and a small drop of black paint added). I did a coverage wash, and repeated it two or three times depending on whether the areas I wanted more or less shading.

Washed again

Now here's where a ton of work was done, but not too noticeable yet. The Flat Aluminum was redone after I went back over the areas with Neutral Grey, and then applied the Flat Aluminum like I applied the Pastel Blue. You can see how it starts to look like the edge of the paint has worn off in many areas. I also blended the green panels with highlights of German Camo Green feathered with Reaper Pro Olive. I also blended the red panels with Bloody Red and a touch of Off White feathered in. Lastly, the Beige Brown panels were blended with U.S. Field Drab to add some highlights. Another thinned wash was applied to age and weather the newly added colors, especially the white.
