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8) The Principate Spearmen Pose for Pics

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Mike OBrien writes:

If you are looking for storage solutions I always suggest magnetic basing. It doesn't matter whether you prefer the toolbox solution (magnetic bases and a toolbox for storage) or the plastic storage box ( Here you have the choice of metal in the box or sheet magnetic material. I use sheet magnetic material and Litko steel paper bases on the figs. I use Gorilla Glue on the vinyl magnetic material to ensure a permanent bond).

Either way you go the figs are securely locked into place and even with spears and pikes won't get damaged.

Revision Log
17 July 2008page first published

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6,635 hits since 17 Jul 2008
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Well, I promised to take more pictures when these spearmen were based up, so here they are!

Principate Spearmen

You've already seen them close up - now you can see the effect of massed ranks.

Principate Spearmen

Of the two available poses, the "leveled spear" pose works best in the front rank, while the "raised spear" pose works best in the back rank. I believe the rules for which these figures were intended works with two-rank units, but if you want deeper formations, remember not to purchase too many front-rank figures. (Or figure out another way to get them to fit together!)

Principate Spearmen

The first use for these figures will be as an army using the Crucible rules. With 46 figures, I have too many for one unit (maximum of 40 figures per spear unit), so these will have to be split into anywhere from 2 to 11 different units. Once I figure that out, I'd better start thinking about movement trays...

I'm also planning to do a future article on storage for the Principate army, so if you have any suggestions on your favorite methods for storing archers, pikemen and cavalry in 28mm scale, please send them along.

Principate Spearmen

These figures are available from Iron Wind Metals and Ral Partha Europe.