Many of you will be familiar with the Women Warriors series at the Inch High Guy blog, which profiles military women on a weekly basis.
We thought it might be interesting to take a recent article, provide a description to Deep Dream Generator, and see what images an artificial intelligence would generate.

"Female Israeli soldier"

"Female Norwegian soldier with pigtails"

"Female American soldiers with military vehicle"

"Close-up of female Swedish soldier driving military vehicle"

"Female American pilot in fighter jet"

"Female American military medic, smiling"

"Female Swedish soldier in the snow"

"Female Romanian soldier in dress uniform"

"Female aviation mechanics working on WWII aircraft"

"Female Soviet army medic with horse during WWII"

"Two female Brazilian soldiers wearing berets"

"Female Chinese soldier kneeling"

"Female Israeli soldier firing weapon"

"Female Ukrainian soldiers marching in column"

"Female Russian soldier riding horse"

"Female American military pilot in cockpit"

"Female American Marine pilot next to fighter jet"

"Female nurse with medical vehicle during WWI"

"Female Canadian military pilot with aircraft during WWII"