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Report from Kezley - Part 3

Female Druid
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14 November 2003page first published

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kezley writes:

Painting the Face

IMHO, painting a face is the most important part of successful figure painting. That's why I have put this section on its own.

I put blacklining on the eye socket and the lips with Vallejo Camo Black Brown.

Blacklining on the eye sockets and lips

Let's see... I want the hair to be black, like myself ;) But I also want her to look mystical, so I decided to give her bluegreen-grey eyes, kinda elfish look.

Started by painting the eyeballs with ivory.

Mix of Vallejo Bronze Green with Black for the base color of the pupil.

Followed with Vallejo Blue Sea Grey - half bottom of the pupil to keep the base color as the iris.

Stages of painting the eyes

Black hair: Basecoat black, highlight by adding Vallejo Offwhite - focusing only on the top of the head.

The hair is painted

Lips: Basecoat with Vallejo Camo Black, highlight with Vallejo Red Leather - accentuate by adding Ivory to Red Leather for light reflection on the bottom lip.

Painting the lips