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Painting Hobby Products' Bat with Flamethrower

Dwarven Flying Machine with Flamethrower
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Suggested Retail Price
8.13 EUR

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29 September 2002page first published

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And finally, we come to the last unit in our Dwarven Army Project: the Bat with Flamethrower. Or at least, that's what the manufacturer's website calls the model - the package says something less interesting, merely Flying Machine with Flamethrower.

Bat with Flamethrower

I would like to be able to say that I included the Bat in the army for sound strategic reasons - the need for an aerial unit, need for a "fast" unit in a generally "slow" army, and so forth - but the truth is that I just thought it was too cool to miss out on.

Dwarven pilot suspended beneath the flamethrower

By this part of the article, you usually expect me to reveal which professional painting service or artist has accepted the invitation to paint our model. But this time, we're trying something new! Hobby Products has actually provided us with five Bats, so we're going to use them as the foundation of our first TMP Painting Contest. The five Finalists will each paint one of the Bats, with the ultimate champion selected by reader vote!