One of my favourite things about this mini is the fact that she's armed for zombie-hunting with a hockey stick - pure class on the part of the sculptor (Kev), if you ask me.
I know the title of this section is Weapon of Choice, but I also painted the hair at the same time.
Step 1
- Stick
- Basecoat of Bestial Brown.
- Wraps
- Basecoat a 50/50 mix of Bleached Bone and (Games Workshop) Snakebite Leather.
- Hair
- Basecoat of Snakebite Leather.

Step 2
- Stick
- 1st highlight using a 50/50 mix of Bestial Brown and Skull White.
- Wraps
- Highlight using Bleached Bone.
- Hair
- Second highlight using a 50/50 mix of Snakebite Leather and (VGC) Golden Yellow.

Step 3
- Stick
- Second highlight using 1 part Bestial Brown and Skull White.
- Wraps
- Final highlight using Skull White.
- Hair
- Third highlight - concentrating on the individual strands of hair - using Golden Yellow.

Step 4
- Stick
- Third highlight using 1-part Bestial Brown and 3-parts Skull White.
- Hair
- Fourth highlight - concentrating on the top of the head and the very ends - using a 50/50 mix of Golden Yellow and Skull White.

Step 5
- Stick
- Just to add a bit of detail to the stick, I added a couple of red stripes using Carmine Red.
- Hair
- Final highlight - concentrating on the top of the head and the fringe - using 3-parts Skull White and 1-part Golden Yellow.