Once the primer is dry, the entire model is given a coat of 1:2 mix of Black and Wolf Grey. After that, Calthan Brown is painted onto the hull in stripes where the yellow areas are supposed to be. Don't worry about greeblies protruding from the hull of the ship, it is more important at this stage to get your stripes straight, and the brown solid. Despite being Foundation paint, it was still thinned it down by approximately 1:1 with water to give a smoother finish.
For painting these big stripes, I would suggest using a nice big brush (size 3), and painting each edge of the stripe with a single stroke across the model, before filling in the area inbetween. As long as the stripe is reasonably straight, any small deviations can be tidied up in the subsequent stages. If still in doubt, a pencil can be used to lightly draw out the stripes, before painting them in.