It would be rude not to use a black undercoat. So I did.
The coat is basecoated with Red Gore mixed with Mechrite Red, highlighted first with Blood Red mixed with Mechrite Red, then Blood Red, then Fiery Orange.
The hat, trousers and strap are Necron Abyss, highlighted with Enchanted Blue, then with Space Wolf Grey mixed in for the lightest colours.
The yellow shirt and sash are Tausept Ochre, highlighted with Iyanden Darksun, then Skull White mixed in for the lightest colour.
His skin is done in the same way as the girls'.
The boots and hair are Chaos Black mixed with Blood Red, highlighted with Blood Red. The hair gets an extra highlight of Blazing Orange.

That's him done!
Whilst he is colourful, if I was going to really push the boat out, I would have introduced some fun designs to his coat and trousers.