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Round Two Farewell: jjpens77


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Andrew May1 writes:

Shame really> I mean, JJpens is a fantastic painter, but occasionally we all paint a mini that isn't up to par for us, and this one was his. Still, thanks for showing us your work JJ, you are a fine painter!

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The votes have been cast, and it is jjpens77's moment to exit the contest. Being "voted out" means the opportunity to make a grand farewell. Here is what jjpens77 writes:

Well, guess I'm out of the running this time. It's been an honor and privledge to participate in this event, especially with the tough competition out there.

Painted 'mech by jjpens77

Best wishes for the remaining contestants, since the rounds and voting will only get much harder as the field narrows.

Painted 'mech by jjpens77

I hope that all the followers of the contest gain some inspiration and new tips from the articles that the artists have done up... I know I have!

Painted Warjack by jjpens77

It's pretty amazing to think about the work that's put into some of the entries, and the small scale that they are painting/converting at.

Painted model by jjpens77

My choice for the final two will probably come down to B1BFlyer and Adrian Gideon. I got to see Ryan's "Nose Art Entry" at Origins in person, and it was just stunning! Heck, I would even pay out some good cash to have that mini for myself!!! And, Adrian Gideon does some of the best "paint-fusion" work I've seen on CBT minis (or any other minis), hands down.

Truly inspiring...

Painted 'mech by jjpens77