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The Army for Bill: The Command Stand


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Shinobi writes:

About bloody time LOL

Looking forward to seeing the whole army hahaha

Revision Log
29 June 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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One of these figures you may recognize from long ago - it has the distinction of being the first figure ever voted out of a TMP contest!

Gael the Druidess (front)

painteater was kind enough to donate his "losing" figure to the Army for Bill - which was entirely wonderful, as it gives us a second chance to see this very nicely painted Celtos figure. (I think you can argue that painteater was voted out of the contest because his photography was poor and his write-up cursory - but the figure itself is quite splendid!)

Gael the Druidess (back)

And yes, we're putting a Celtic fantasy figure into a historical army, but it's close enough for me - and I imagine the Ancient Britons would join me in wishing that history had been like this! grin

So that's the army standardbearer - but what about a general? To my knowledge, no figure was ever designated to be the commander - but one of the warriors conveniently has a red cloak (no doubt appropriated from some dead Roman)...

The General (front)

Which is how Kai Teck's warrior has been promoted to lead the Army for Bill!

The General (back)

(By the way, I love the way Kai Teck embossed his name on the back of the base - how do you do that?)

About the Basing

As I usually do for round slottabases, I popped a round steel disk onto Gail the Druidess' bottom - then realized I was doing the reverse of what I was doing with all of the other figures. (The others have magnetic bottoms!) So Red Cloak had to be bottomed with Litko's Flex Steel (an adhesive rubber sheet with steel somehow embedded in it).

The overbase

I then made an "overbase" by making a sandwich of Litko thick wooden bases, with a layer of Flex Magnet in-between. I cut holes in the top layer to fit the figure bases, then painted and flocked the overbase. The magnetism of the base is strong enough to hold the figures in place when moving, but not so strong that you can pick up the whole thing by grabbing either figure.

The command stand

This command stand only has two figures - a bit sparse for a 25mm DBA warband stand - but it's the right size, and you can clearly tell what it's supposed to be. I'm happy...