I've been working with decals more often lately, and here's my problem: Decals need to be dunked in water.
The only water normally on my workbench is my brush water. That won't work.
A shallow dish holds enough water to dunk the decals, but that means I have to go where the sink is (in a different room), then carry this dish-with-water to my workbench while trying not to spill the water.
I saw a video of someone who keeps a squirt bottle of water on his workbench. That would save me from carrying a dish of water from room to room. But that's one more thing to get knocked over on my workbench…

Then I spotted these plastic ramekins at Dollar Tree. These are meant for holding dipping sauces, and come in red or white plastic.

They come in sets of three for $1.25 USD, which means I can keep one for my workbench, and donate two to the household.

Here's the ramekin on my workbench, with a little decal next to it. This works for me: the edges are high enough to not spill any water, but it is shallow enough for decal-dunking. And when I'm done, the water gets dumped into my brush water.