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15mm Eagle Riders

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Suggested Retail Price
£3.50 GBP

Eagle + Rider
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£3.50 GBP

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aecurtis Fezian writes:

Interesting. Looking forward to seeing the finished models.


Revision Log
8 September 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Stuart Lunn of Demon-Brushwurkz writes:

Paints used were a combination of Games Workshop and Vallejo.

The eagles were given a black undercoat, then a basecoat of Bleached Bone. Talons, claws and beaks were painted Luftwaffe Grey. Brown feathers were a combination of Bestial Brown and Snakebite Leather.

The eagles were then given a thin wash of black and chesnut inks.

Next, the eagles were highlighted with a mix of Bleached Bone and Snakebite Leather. Final highlights - including the talons and claws - were Bleached Bone/Skull White.

Side view of finished eagle
Bottom view of finished eagle
Back view of finished eagle

The eagles' color scheme was uniform to match the riders - apart from the character figure, whose eagle has a slight variation of the feather pattern. Also, this figure has a armoured saddle which was painted with a mix of Brazen Brass and Shining Gold.

Finished eagle with leader
Finished eagle with leader (close up)
Back view of finished eagle with leader

The riders themselves were undercoated with white. The base tunic colors were Graveyard Earth, Bleached Bone, Ultramarine Blue, Regal Blue, and Dark Angels Green. Cloaks were done in Bleached Bone.

Riders were then given a thin coat of black ink. Highlights were the base colors with Skull White, to lighten the color shade.

Finally, helmets and swords were done in Boltgun Metal, highlighted with Mithril Silver.

Eagle trooper
Eagle trooper (close up)

Once the riders and eagles were assembled, the finished models were given a coat of matt varnish.

Demon-Brushwurkz is a professional painting service. Stuart would charge £24.00 GBP (plus shipping) to paint a half-dozen Eagle Riders for you.