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DB Repainted: Raging Vanguard


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Hundvig Fezian writes:

I suspect the marketing guys at WotC objected to the more accurately descriptive Lugubrious Vanguard…

Revision Log
7 November 2007page first published

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Comments or corrections?

Hundvig Fezian writes:

Okay, it's just a minotaur. It's not even the most inspired minotaur ever sculpted. It certainly doesn't look like it's raging to me.

Raging Vanguard

Still not a bad model though, and easy to paint.

Raging Vanguard

It has the same iconography the Bloodcut Behemoth has (although I did the scars as traditional blue-ink tattoos here), so it's another candidate for Gloranthan beast-broo status.