The theme for this round of LPS is Nose Art - which is a very tough challenge for me, since I haven't really done much freehand work on minis in the past. But, being up for the challenge, I tackled this round like the 1st round, and attempted to learn some new techniques in process.
Of the five remaining mechs in the package received from Bill, I chose the Naginata. I didn't really have any mechs with "noses" to display any nose art, and the Naginata was one of the largest minis that I received and had plenty of surface space to paint on. Another factor was the game weaponry on the Naginata is long-ranged in nature, similar to how bombers are used to attack targets at distances.
Also, as with the last round, I wanted each entry that I did for LPS to have a theme in relation to some aspect of the Classic BattleTech Universe (CBT). The background story that I've come up with for the artwork on the Naginata is based on the timeframe this model was introduced (first appeared in CBT reference material TRO: 3055) and the actions of Clan Smoke Jaguar on the world of Turtle Bay.
Excerpt from the "Universe" section on
The invasion of the Inner Sphere was a mixed blessing for the Smoke Jaguars. The elite Jaguar Clusters cut through the opposing DCMS troops like a hot knife, but were still stung by their inability to deal with Kurita partisans. This trait was no more apparent than on the planet Turtle Bay. The Jaguars had unknowingly captured Hohiro Kurita, son of Theodore Kurita, but lost him during a jailbreak. Later after several weeks of non-stop rioting, the local Jaguar commander unleashed his Warships full power on the city of Edo Bay, completely destroying it and killing nearly a million civilians...
The following are excerpts from the CBT TRO: 3055 for the Naginata
Kurita technicians at Independence Weaponry proposed a 'Mech that incorporated the C3 computer as an integral part of the design, eliminating the difficulty of expensive and time-consuming refits. They settled on a 95-ton Assault 'Mech for the platform, further defining its role as a command and fire-support unit. The 'Mech was named Naginata, after the ancient Japanese polearm.
The main armament of the Naginata consists of three Coventry Star Fire long-range missile packs, with additional accuracy provided by an Artemis IV fire-control system. Long-range missiles were chosen so that the Naginata would get the maximum benefit for C3-aided targeting, allowing its lancemates to designate targets for direct and indirect barrages at extended range.
The Naginata mounts another long-range weapon, the Lord's Light 2 extended-range PPC, as a reliable backup weapon. The left-arm mounting for the weapon is flanked by two double-strength freezers to help counter the PPC's tremendous heat buildup. The combined assembly is so long and bulky that the left arm has no hand.
The DCMS has not underestimated the importance of distributing this unit as quickly as possible. Independence Weaponry is expected to send as many as ten of these Assault 'Mechs to the Clan front each year. Naginatas are currently stationed with the Twelfth Dieron Regulars at Kiesen, the Eleventh Benjamin Regulars at Meilen, and the Seventeenth Galedon Regulars at Chandler. It is a strong possibility that Naginatas are also present in many of the so-called "Ghost Regiments" stationed along the Smoke Jaguar front.
I choose to go with a theme of ying and yang with the artwork on this mini, representing a Kurita DCMS pilot's dual sense of harmony and revenge. It is this fine line which a warrior must walk to remain in control while performing their duty. The artwork on the mini represents this:
- On the right side
- A rising sun behind a mountain peak represents the harmony and peace that a warrior must have to remain focus and balanced.
- On the left side
- The Smoke Jaguar attack on Edo Bay - a warrior must never forget why they choose to fight, for there must be a purpose for bloodshed.
Hopefully, I will be successful in doing this!
Mini Assembly:
The Naginata was a relatively simple mini to put together, and came in only three parts – the body, and right/left arms. The base is not provided in the packaging with the mini itself, but can be purchased separately in packs of 4. Fortunately, Bill was kind enough to supply enough bases for every mini that he sent. There was a little flash and a few mold-pour tabs that were taken care with a hobby knife and file. The only area of concern was on the inside part of each leg, but a smaller file was all that was needed to remove these mold lines.

Base Prep:
I usually do up the minis' base as much as possible, but with the large size of the Naginata's feet and the rule requiring the use of the base provided, I had to keep the base work to a minimum of just filling in the gaps with drywall spackling and adding some sand. Later, the base will be painted, and some grass flock will be added.

Prime and Initial Basecoat:
Normally, I would prime a mini in white, but I wanted a "darker" mood with this paint scheme and decided to prime in black. Painting over a dark primer color (black, brown) versus a light primer color (grey, white) can subtly change the tint of the basecoat color and overall "mood" of the scheme.

For the basecoat, I went with a very dark grey (Reaper Armor Grey). That'll provide a good background for the green in future steps.
After letting the paint dry, I used a fairly heavy wash of GW Black Ink, Future, and water (ratio estimates – 50% ink, 25% Future, 25% water) applied over the entire mini. This might look sloppy at first, but the painting steps should take care of this and clean it up a bit, and look much better later.