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Adam Paints Werewolves

Fighting Werewolves
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$10.00 USD

Lunging Werewolf
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$5.75 USD

Crouching Werewolf
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Suggested Retail Price
$5.75 USD

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

How come they are playing leap-frog(wolf)?

Painter's preference.

Revision Log
22 January 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Adam8472 Fezian of Pro Painted Miniatures writes:

This time, Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian has me painting some fantastic Werewolves from Bronze Age. These guys are great! I stuck them together in kind of bouncy 'attack' pose, jumping from each other towards some unwilling victim. Going back over the manufacturer's catalogue photo, they were assembled fighting each other. Oops! Oh well, my way looks better.

First off, the models get assembled; the sand glued to their bases, and then sprayed black. It is always well worth giving all black-sprayed figs a couple of coats of watered-down black paint after spraying, to ensure complete and consistent coverage. (All the paints I use are from Games Workshop's Citadel range.)

The models then get drybrushed. First, heavily in Adeptus Battlegrey, then mixed in Astronomican Grey, then Astronomican Grey by itself. A couple of the Werewolves get a coat of Devlan Mud Wash to give a bit of variety.

Next, I painted black all the areas of the model that aren't furry. The skin then gets painted Scorched Brown.


The fun skin-highlighting then commences! Bestial Brown is painted as a broad highlight over the skin, leaving the recesses in the darker colour. The next couple of shades are done with added Dwarf Flesh. Subsequent highlights have Pallid Flesh (a now-unavailable paint, sorry) added; the lightest colour on the skin is Pallid Flesh by itself. After this, the eyes, nails and noses are painted black again.

The nose, fingernails and toenails are highlighted a couple of times with Chaos Black mixed with Bleached Bone. The teeth get picked out first in Khemri Brown, then Bleached Bone, then Skull White. The eyes are Red Gore, then Blood Red, then teeny dots of Skull White. The tongues are Warlock Purple, highlighted with Elf Flesh.

The trousers are painted the same on all the models. I did think about doing them differently, but decided that they would look more like a pack if all the same. They have line-highlights first of Necron Abyss, then Fenris Grey, and lastly Astronomican Grey. The belts are (mostly) Calthan Brown, with Tausept Ochre added for a couple of highlights (I do use Foundation paints a hell of a lot).


The bases are initially black. Then highlighted Catachan Green, then Camo Green, then Scorpion Green. The rocks are all highlighted with black mixed with Khemri Brown.

I hope you like these terrific models, and that you might get an idea or two from this article. To see more of my work, check out my website:

Note: One of the werewolves shown is not yet available from Bronze Age Miniatures - we had an advance copy.