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The Demonworld Project: Painting the Leaders

Dwarven Heroes & Commanders
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
6.60 EUR

Dwarven Priests
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
6.60 EUR

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13 June 2002page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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We featured Gary Leitzell on our homepage yesterday - he's a professional artist, and he's recently set up his first website to promote his painting service.

Gary painted this Chronopia figure

"I pretty much paint anything people send me," Gary tells me. "I have even done some 54mm stuff! I've done alot of Games Workshop stuff, Partha, Reaper. You name it, I've probably painted it for someone. I've been painting for more than 24 years now!"

When the Demonworld Dwarf Army Painting Project was announced, Gary wanted to participate but wasn't sure what he could fit into his heavy schedule. We finally decided to go with "one or two" figures - the army commander and mage.

Two figures

When designing the Dwarf Army, I only had 1,000 points so I didn't want to spend a lot on a general. However, I was required to take a general with at least a ** command rating. So I picked Argam Rustbeard.

figures in the Heroes & Commanders pack - catalogue picture

Argam is listed as being in the Heroes & Commanders pack, which contains three unique figures and two duplicates. Since the fluff describes Argam as "...a particularly experienced warrior who is armed with a giant double-handed axe," I decided to go with the guy with the double-handed axe!

It also seemed like a good idea to take some magic power along, so I paid the points for Thorbal, Servant of Fire. In Demonworld, Dwarves don't have mages, but they do have Fire Priests. Thorbal is described as a "typical" priest, armed with a flame sword.

figures in the Dwarven Priests pack - catalogue picture

He's listed as being in the Dwarven Priests pack - which contains two copies each of three unique figures (six total). Only one figure had a sword, so I figured it had to be Thorbal!