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Zaphod Beeblebrox continues: ![]() The picture above (left) shows how I blocked out the metal armor plates and the swords using Vallejo Intermediate Grey. I wanted to maintain some blacklining around the plates, so I had to be careful here. The second pic (above, right) shows work on the upper half of my NMM chrome. Since it reflects the sky, I basically picked a horizon for the shape of the object, and I painted Citadel Ice Blue from the horizon to the top. After this upper half was defined, I blended up to white at the horizon line. I think the white is key for this effect. Also, white edging can be done on some of the other edges of the object as well, to simulate the shine. ![]() This shows the completed sky sides with specular light reflections added, and also, the ground sides. For this, I darkened up my Vallejo Intermediate Grey with some black, and blended from the horizon down with increasing amounts of the Intermediate Grey, and even a bit brighter to simulate the ambient light being reflected from the ground... The sword blades were done more subtly, and basically I blended from white at one end to the darkened Intermediate Grey at the other. I reversed the direction on opposing faces, and it looks pretty sharp (no pun intended)... Also, the hilts seem to be sculpted as part of the blade, but I had other plans for them :) ![]() The first picture (above, left) shows how I re-basecoat all the parts white that will be done in NMM gold. I think this really makes the Citadel Snakebite Leather pop out better than going over the black. I was going to give him golden blonde hair as well, so I also based his hair white, too. The second picture (above, right) shows the areas done in gold, using Citadel Snakebite Leather blended up to white for the shine. His hair was mainly done by applying increasing washes of the Snakebite Leather to certain areas. Afterwards, I simply lightened up and layered lighter and lighter in spots. I have also painted the hilts white at this point. This is where the biggest mistake came in - leaving his tab on, and him attached to another base. Since he is a sci-fi kinda guy, I didn't want to do my usual chemo-grass-and-sand-looking base, so I had a friend (Roktop) give me this excellent base from Paintminion. Of course, it was unpainted, but that is coming! My mistake showed me that I had to cut his tab off (and he is finished being painted), so I hacked it off, and only had to touch up two spots! The base was painted using my NMM colors for steel, namely the Vallejo Intermediate Blue, white and black for shading. After all is said and done, I used Vallejo Smoke thinned down, and did rust from the bolts, and also some weathered staining on the decking. Probably my best part here ;) ![]() I simply glued him on and voila! ![]() For the gun - which I really really wanted to leave out - I picked certain panels to be Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue and also some gold and steel NMM. The copper clip was done by mixing the Citadel Snakebite Leather with some of the Vallejo Light Orange. In the end, I really felt that he didn't need any unnecessary freehand (most folks just go too overboard with it...) and even iconography didn't want to mesh, so I think the paint job will stand as is. Hope you enjoy the write-up and miniature. In the end, he was very fun to paint! See the Finished Pictures |