Once again I'm thankful to Bill, our Editor in Chief, for the opportunity to do a Workbench article - this time, with Mark Copplestone's excellent Future Wars news crew set. I have to confess, I think Mark's work is among the best available for all-around gaming and painting. So if this sounds a little biased... it is.
First off, the figs required little to no clean up. I've found that similar to other FW figs I've purchased, so no surprise there. Then I epoxied them to display bases, and primed them with brush-on primer. Once that dried, I inked them to bring out the details and create shadows.

Next was the block painting. As these were done at the same time, I simply painted in a series, modifying colors slightly from fig to fig. It's the same basic palette with slight variations.

Then I worked on details - picking out eyes, jewelry, pouches, guns, and such. A couple of washes to raise finer details - and once that dried, I drybrushed jackets, pants, and hair as needed.

Once they were completed, I let them sit an hour, then based them with sand and sealed with a brush-on satin sealer. All done and ready to broadcast the latest zombie outbreak, mysterious murder, or massive financial bailout. Remember... if it bleeds, it leads.

Once again, I extend my appreciation for the chance to paint up such excellent figures. Hope you enjoy.