A Blast from the Past!

When Editor in Chief Bill
offered me the project for the Necrovores, I jumped at the chance!. I have liked these figures from when they first came out, but never got a chance to buy more than three.
Paints Used
Here is a list of the paints and sprays I used for these figures, in no particular order:
- Armory Flat White Primer
- Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear (#1303)
- Krylon Matte Finish (#1311)
- Iron Wind Metals Dark Brown
- Iron Wind Metals Shamrock Green
- Iron Wind Metals Yellow
- Iron Wind Metals Red
- Iron Wind Metals Ivory
- Reaper Copper
- Reaper Maroon
- GW Dark Angels Green, AKA DAG (Pine Green)
- GW Bubonic Brown (Dun)
- GW Chestnut Wash
- Light Green (maker unknown)
First Things First
After a coat of white primer, I let them sit over night. The next day, they got a complete wash of Chestnut Wash. Again, just to be sure, they were left to dry completely for a day.

It drives me nuts when a fig looks and feels dry, but the second I try and drybrush it, some little wet spot smears everything. Rrrrr!
So on Day Three, they all got a liberal drybrushing of Ivory. I went with an overall coat of Ivory because I'm tired of seeing black and dark-metallic cyborgs. Also, with all the new materials we use for armor and building materials, I decided that these aliens use bone-white ceramic armor along with the scavenged humanoid bones. I'm also trying to get away from the classic good = light and bad = black schemes - this ain't a Western, don'tcha know!