After the highlighting, it's now time to start the meat and potatoes of the painting, the Aztecing. Using the same mix of Iyanden Darksun and White in Step 4, begin to draw straight and right-angled lines on the yellow areas. The best lines are those that begin and terminate at either a junction of the yellow and grey areas, or terminate at some piece of surface detail such as the panels above. The lines are not simple stripes, but vary in their thickness. An example of this motif is illustrated in the graphic below:

If you want other examples, try to find the Games Workshop Tau Empire codex and have a look at the Tau font (the style is very similar).
Continue covering all the yellow areas in this motif, until you get to the following:

A close-up of the Aztec motif:

And an example on an Assault Cruiser (compare with the one that has not been Azteced on the left):

The best brush I find to paint these designs is the Size 0000 brush, as it gives the best amount of control. Go slowly, and don't be afraid if your lines are a little wobbly - when it is done, the mass of lines will mask any individual errors. If any big errors occur, you can easily patch it up with pure Iyanden Darksun.