I coated the models with Future floor polish, and let it dry completely. Decals adhere better to a gloss finish.
I used a combination of I-94 decals and the ones that I picked up from AIM.
The aircraft with the replacement rudder got half a red star on its tail, and it also bears the number of the aircraft that the rudder came from.
I used setting solution to get the decals to settle down.
Almost Done:
I added the pilots' heads at this point. Although the kits come with pilot's heads, I opted to use the heads from some Battlefront Miniatures Soviet tank crewmen.
Once the decals were dry, I gave the models a coat of matte finish.
Once the matte finish was dry, I applied pastel dust to exhaust stacks, gun ports, and areas subject to the rocket exhaust.

Having the pastel dust where I want it, I gave the models their final shot of matte finish.
Added some flying bases from Games Workshop...
And they're done!
Total combined work time for all three models was probably 5-6 hours over a three-week period (three weeks due to time available to work on the models, and drying time).

Bill, thanks for asking me to do this.
Dave Schmid, thanks for making these kits available.