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Painting Dapple Grey Horses: Stages 6-9


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Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP writes:

I just loved this, up until the dappling. That risked being "rocking horse" finish I thought. I saved countless pictures of greys and will admit you do see them dappled all over, as shown. But generally are they not densely dappled in some areas, then more dispersed and then disappear altogether?

I work in 28mm and recently in 20mm (not by choice) and use a cocktail stick with diluted white acrylic from GW. On the horse's upper surface the white dots almost coalesce, but gradually separate and fade as they descend. Even then I tone the whole thing down with a white dry brush (not a wash as it would ruin the shadowing) and often ruin it.

I loved your idea of the dark shadowing in the earlier stages. It does wonders for the horse's facial features. Really nice masterclass. thanks

Revision Log
9 February 2009page first published

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8,290 hits since 9 Feb 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) writes:

Stage 6

The dapples. The mix of Neutral Grey and Titanium White is now used to stipple the horse to make the dapples. The paint has to be pretty dilute, otherwise you'll get about two dapples done before you have to clean your brush of a horrible sticky mess and go back for more paint.

The neck and front legs of the Crocodile Games horse show dappling with knackered brush C. The rump is done with brush B. The Amazon horse is done with a brush with its tip intact - though it won't stay that way for long it I do much dappling!

Stage Six
Stage Six

Stage 7

The mane and tail have been drybrushed with Neutral Grey, and then given a wash with Payne's Grey. The hooves have been washed in Rowney Cryla Burnt Umber, and the tack painted in a less dilute version of the same.

Stage Seven
Stage Seven

Stage 8

Tidying up the base and doing twiddly bits on the harness. (All sort of irrelevant to what colour of horse this is…)

Stage 9

Drybrushed Titanium White on the lower legs to pick out the feathering around the hooves. They are now finished and awaiting varnish - or in the case of the chariot horse, awaiting her partner and the chariot to be painted.

Finished horses