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Crucible Ogre: Finishing Steps

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Dantes Cellar writes:

Very cool tutorial. One of the better dip jobs I've seen in a long time.

Is it me or if you cut that figure's hair shorter in the back, wouldn't it look just like an undead Ronald Reagan?

Revision Log
25 March 2009page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Minidragon Fezian of Mini-Dragon writes:

At this point, our guy is practically done! He just needs some sealer to knock down the shine from the inks and washes. I first spray him generously with a cheap satin sealer, and then knock down the shine with Testors Dullcote. C'est finis! Now I just have to send him off to Mr. Fez!

Crucible Ogre
Crucible Ogre
Crucible Ogre
Crucible Ogre

How much would Minidragon Fezian normally charge for this sort of commission? "One Crucible Ogre - assemble and paint - $40.00 USD," he says. "This is lower than my usual charge for a monster - 28mm monsters are usually $80 USD. Since I dipped this guy, he took much less time than he otherwise would."

This model should also be available as a special-order item from Iron Wind Metals.