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Web Space Station by CyborgTruckerUSA

Web Space Station
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Hundvig Fezian writes:

Always liked that model…and yes, it was originally sold without a base. MKP may have changed that, but like the rest of the Starfleet Wars line, it was originally sculpted so that it could sit flat on the table or floor.

Nice paint job, too. :)

Revision Log
19 February 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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DemosLaserCutDesigns Fezian of Cyborg Trucker's Wargaming Blog writes:

When Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian asked if I would like to paint it, I said 'sure', just for a chance to expand my knowledge.


When I first received the model, I kinda was left wondering what to do with it. I never have painted space models before. It wasn't like any space stations I've seen before. It kind of reminded me of a shipyard.

Assembling It

I probably stared at the model for about a week before tackling the assembly of it. It's not that it was very hard to put together, just a little tricky. Getting the two rings shaped so that they would fit together just right was a challenge. At first, they would either be too tight or loose.

So I got out the handyman's helper: Clothespins! But not just any clothespins - ones that have been reversed so to create a stronger grip.

Reversed clothespin

I then interlocked the two rings, and added a little superglue to get it to hold just long enough for me to apply some greenstuff. With the rings clothespinned, I could greenstuff one end and let it sit for a day. Then the next day, I did the other end.
