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6mm French Naps: Final Stages


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Jbickley00 writes:

I have trained myself not to get to obsessed with detail on most units. I have a few "easter egg" type units where I have done all the little details, and those are the ones I hand to people who want a closer look. They get the wow,effect, and I get armies painted.

Revision Log
23 February 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Monkey Hanger Fezian writes:

Stage 14

Glue figures to the base. (Note: I add the flag to the standard before I base the figures - much easier in my experience than when on the base.)

Stage 15

Apply tile grout to base, and sprinkle ballast onto the wet grout.

French stage 15

Stage 16

Paint base in Earth Brown.

French stage 16

Stage 17

Drybrush base Sand.

French stage 17

Stage 18

Ink wash the base with black wash.

French stage 18

Stage 19

Drybrush base again with Sand.

Stage 20

Apply flock to the base.

Stage 21 - The Completed Product
