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MrWhite's Entry for Intimidation Doubled

Amazon Warrior Mounted
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£5.00 GBP

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

Very good results. I like the cleanliness of the colours.

Revision Log
18 October 2009page first published

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MrWhite presents his Intimidation Doubled entry:

The first thing I did was prime the miniature with a light coat of white primer.

After this, I basecoated everything with the color I chose. The flesh started with a base coat of Reaper Master Series Rosy Shadow. The horse was basecoated with a dark brown from Coat d'Arms called Negro (and it's also the first shade in their triads that Steve Dean put together).

The base was first painted with dark brown watered-down craft paint. After this dried, I drybrushed the dirt with a medium and then a light brown.

The next thing I did was give a coat of brown wash over her skin and clothing and the horse. This was a mix of Future floor finish, water, and brown and black Privateer p3 paints. After this was dry, I layered in the highlights on everything.

Amazon Warrior Mounted
Amazon Warrior Mounted

Her skin was three layers of highlights, using the three shades that come in the Reaper rosy paint triad. The horse then was highlighted with the other two shades of the triad, called Horse Tone Brown and Beige Brown. The red parts were basecoated in Privateer Sanguine Base, which was highighted with Skorne Red and then Khador Red Base. All of the armor parts were basecoated in Blight Gold from Privateer, and then highlighted with Radiant Platinum.

I than sprayed the fig with matte finish, and after this was dry, I applied some GF9 static grass.

That’s basically it!

Amazon Warrior Mounted
Amazon Warrior Mounted