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Three Hasslefree Adventurers: Basing

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£3.00 GBP

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£3.50 GBP

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£3.00 GBP


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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Maybe it's just a photography thing, but Suzi's legs seem to lose their flesh tones in the process of basing. Was there something in the varnish, as it dried, that interacted with the paint?

Revision Log
9 May 2007page first published

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Brush Strokes Fezian of Brush Strokes writes:

The figures were now removed from their temporary pieces of card, so that the textured base could be applied. This was given a coating of Tetrion filler of a creamy consistency, and immediately immersed into a container of coarse sand. The sand was pushed into the Tetrion with a cocktail stick, and left to dry.

Sand applied to base (Suzi)
Sand applied to base (Kat)
Sand applied to base (Dionne)

The dried base was given a quick brush to remove any excess sand particles, before giving the whole base a coating of Humbrol Matt Dark Earth.

Painted Matt Dark Earth (Suzi)
Painted Matt Dark Earth (Kat)
Painted Matt Dark Earth (Dionne)

This was given a drybrushing of Plaka Yellow Ochre, and then static grass was added.

Static grass added (Suzi)
Static grass added (Kat)
Static grass added (Dionne)

The visible base was then drybrushed with white; the static grass was drybrushed with Plaka Yellow Ochre.

To complete the figures, the black slottabases were given a coat of Humbrol Matt Black.