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Painting Black Tree's Soviet Character Set

Soviet Character Set 1
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5 July 2002added final picture
9 June 2002page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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"I have painted just about every manufacturer," said Robert Brown when he contacted me about doing a TMP Workbench project. "I paint for a living and always have something going on."

Indeed he does. Robert is the owner of Friar Barb's Painting Monastery, a painting service that specializes in historical subjects, 25mm scale and larger. He told me that he has two projects on his workbench for customers right this moment - a 200mm Verlinden Roman Legionnaire Bust and a 120mm Verlinden Roman Signifer (200 B.C.).

When we talked about possible projects, I thought over the different demo sets that I'm trying to organize for website projects and conventions, and Robert gave me suggestions as to his preferred periods. What we came to agreement on was the Soviet Character Set 1 from Black Tree's line of 28mm WWII figures.

the final product