This is where I had some camera problems; I am not sure why the coloring changed.
Next came the overcoats. To give them a wool-like look, I mixed Vallejo Brown with a little Reaper Stone Grey.
I added more Stone Grey to the mix as the first highlight. Then Reaper Rainy Grey was added for the second. For the final highlights, I added Vallejo Ghost Grey.
Some of the figures have satchel bags on them. I used Vallejo Khaki, then highlighted them with some Vallejo Bone White added to the mix. I finished by lining them with some GW Flesh Wash.
Gun holsters were painted with Vallejo Snakebite Leather with a Brown Ink wash, then a Snakebite highlight.
For the figures that have pants showing, I painted them with a mix of Vallejo Tan and Beastly Brown, followed with Tan highlights. The metal helmets were given a basecoat of Vallejo Chameleon Green, then Vallejo Sickly Green highlights. I used Reaper Stormy Grey as the basecoat for the cloth hats, and then highlighted them with Rainy Grey. The stars on the hats were painted with Chameleon Green. Vallejo Brass was used on the hatpins and belt buckles.