Stage 4
Carefully glue the wheels into the lower wing where you have drilled the holes. Once that is dry, carefully remove any part of the wheel strut that sticks through the top wing.
I found that having the wheel struts stuck up through the wings allows a stronger join.
Carefully add a small amount of filler to the hole, and allow to dry.
Allow this stage to dry completely before handling the aircraft, as the wheels can become dislodged if not secured correctly.

Stage 5
As our group have found earth magnets in a suitable size, we have now started to use these for all of our aircraft, allowing them to be mounted on nails as flight stands.
Turn the aircraft onto its topside, and apply a small amount of superglue to the centre of the lower wing. Attach the magnet to this glue and allow to dry.

Stage 6
OK - after all the prep work, it's time to start painting!
First, apply primer to the whole model. (If using a spray primer, ensure you use it in a well-ventilated area.)