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Round Two Report from Rogcollectibles - Part 2

Knight of the Balance
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£3.50 GBP


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16 December 2003page first published

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Rogzombie Fezian writes:

I thought it best to paint the skin suit next. I picked one of my favorite colors, Vallejo Model Color Grey Blue. I highlighted it in 3 steps, blending up with Vallejo Game Color Wolf Grey gradually mixing into the Grey Blue. The effect with the purple armor should be a retro 70's SF look, as in Logan's Run or Rollerball. I was looking for a different SF look than the Dark Gothic stuff that is so popular now. I don't think the VOID figures lend themselves well to this look and that's a good thing!

At this stage I also did the face with my usual skin tones - basecoating with Vallejo Game Color Parasite Brown (another of my favorite colors). I highlighted it in steps with Vallejo Game Color Dwarf Skin, and then Vallejo Game Color Elf Skintone. The eyes were dotted white on each side of the socket - for me, this is easier to control than painting one dot in the middle, which can lead to out-of-sync eyes (including my own).

Cloth and face

The body armor was next, and I decided to include to make the gun guard and sword hilts purple to add balance to the figure (pun intended). I basecoated with Vallejo Game Color Royal Purple and followed with three highlights: Vallejo Model Color Royal Purple (despite the same name, they are very different colors) slightly watered, then Model Color Purple slightly watered, and finished up by adding a little white to the Purple for extreme highlights. Later, I added a very thin Game Color Royal Purple wash to soften the edges and restore some of the deepness of it.

Armor and gun

Finally, it was time for some extra detail. I decided the inner coat would be a soft cloth. I mixed black with the Grey Blue and painted the cuffs, inside and collar. This was highlighted by mixing a little more Grey Blue into the mix. Sticking to my retro 70's look, I did a dot-and-slash technical pattern on the soft cloth areas by adding more Grey Blue to the mix.

Coat lining

For the coat itself, I went for the wet-leather look as in The Matrix, as I believe a Knight of the Balance can probably do some things that Keanu Reeves would pale in comparison to!

All steps here should be watered at least 20%. For the first step over the black base I used Vallejo Model Color Black Grey, followed by Model Color German WWII Luftwaffe Blue and then Model Color French Mir. Blue. A final highlight of Wolf Grey was added as a sharp highlight to achieve the slick leather look.

Coat leather

To finish up, I pinned the gun to his back, and blacklined and corrected a few areas. The Knight Of Balance is done.

Now I can base the rest of my army on the colors I used for him, and this tutorial will be a great reference if I ever forget what colors I used!

See the Finished Pictures