The armor was done in layers, because I had to feel out just what was needed at each stage. I didn't have a grand plan from the beginning.
- Basecoat:
- Black and GW Dark Angels Green
- Layer:
- The above mix + GW Goblin Green, GW Scorpion Green, dulled with hints of GW Fortress Grey as needed.
- Layer:
- The above mix + C Snakebite Leather
- Layers:
- The above mix + GW Bleached Bone, GW Fortress Grey
- Layer:
- The above mix + White
The top highlights, where I wanted a shine spot, are pure undiluted White.

At this point, I wasn't quite satisfied. I worked desaturated Scorpion Green back into the crevices to create a subtle patina and a slightly greener look. There's a decent picture of the patina below for the inner cape.
The chainmail areas are easier than they appear, because it is so forgiving where you place the highlights. The key is to hit the obvious raised areas where most of the light would fall, then scatter some random white highlights. This makes the shimmering illusion.
- Basecoat:
- Black
- Layer:
- VMC Dark Grey
- Layers:
- VMC Dark Grey mixed up to GW Fortress Grey
- Layers:
- Fortress Grey up to VMC Flat Aluminum (Flat Aluminum is not necessary, you can use white instead)
- Highlights:
- Pure White