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Round Five Report from Garness-at-Home - Part 2

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28 April 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Dread Pirate Garness continues:

I took thinned GW black ink and painted in all the musculature. I also mixed white with the Prussian Blue to add some highlights.

Painting the musculature

I then painted the straps Vallejo Game Color Bleached Bone along with the teeth, and gave the teeth a wash of GW brown ink.

Painting the straps

Next was to use more thinned Bleached Bone and build up the color of the teeth, eventually using pure white on the very tips of each tooth. I also painted thin black lines in a shark tooth pattern on the straps.

Outlining the shark-tooth pattern

Next, using black, I painted in the shark-tooth pattern on the straps, the claws, protruding spines on the back, and the eyes of the mount.

Painting the shark-tooth pattern

Mixed a thin black wash for the recesses of the tail pincer, and highlighted the pincer "teeth" with white. Using Vallejo Dark Red, I painted in the gums and thinned it to make a dark red wash around the teeth and gills.

Dark red wash applied to the the gums

Next, Ceramcoat Pineapple was added to the Dark Red, and the highlights of the gums were done.

Gums are highlighted