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MiniWargamer: Skin Blending for Gaius

Gaius the Murmillo
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15 November 2005page first published

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2,402 hits since 15 Nov 2005
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Michael Cannon writes:

I used Reaper's Misty Grey for the eyeballs. I think that in the picture below you can see that - yes, these figures do have pupils! Bill asked me last go-round if I had painted them in, and I said no. I though I'd try to do it this time - but boy, are those holes tiny! I followed up with the irises by using the Reaper Green Liner, 9113. Next I used the Tanned Shadow, 9042, and went back around the eyes to outline them in a darker skin color.

The eyes are based

Right after I did the eyes, I took a progress snapshot and then carried on. The eyes looked pretty good when I, well, eyeballed them. Once I got the pictures off of the camera, however, I did not like the way I had finished up the eyelids. I did not go in close enough to the eyes, and there was still grey showing where there should be eyelid.

I took the Tanned Shadow, 9403, thinned it a tad, and then made slight corections until I got it right. I also had a problem with the mouth not looking as good as I had wanted it. I used the Brick Red, 9001, to lightly sketch in the lips, and it was way out. Looked almost like someone who had put on lipstick during a high-speed car chase! I again took out the Tanned Shadow, and made minor corrections until I got the shape of the lips correct.

I used the Bone Triad for the bandage around the head, and for the loincloth the figure was wearing. This triad consists of Bone Shadow, 9058; Aged Bone, 9059; and Polished Bone, 9060. I used the Bone Shadow as the bottom coat, and then drybrushed in highlights using the Aged Bone, followed by the Polished Bone.

For the blood, I used Red Brick, 9001, with a touch of pure Blood Red, 9003, thrown in.

The face

As I was sitting in church the other day and thinking about how to paint this figure, I noticed - while looking at the back of someone's head that had dark brown hair - black as the shadow color. I based the hair with a thinned down Pure Black, 9037, and followed it up with highlights from the Warm Deep Brown Triad. After looking at the picture (below), I went back and emphasized the interior of the hair by using WonderWash Ink to get more black back into the depths of the hair.

The majority of the blending I had intended on doing was on the torso. I used the Medium Skin Triad for the work I did here. I used what was already there as a base, and then gradually painted smaller and smaller areas of skin using 50% each of Tanned Shadow and Tanned Skin, then diluted Tanned Skin, then another 50% each of Tanned Skin and Tanned Highlight and finished with a diluted section of pure Tanned Highlight. I am still in need of practice in terms of getting the paints to go on smoothly, but Reaper has made this much easier. I then applied repeated layers of thinned Tanned Highlight to areas that needed it (such as the edges of the pecs and upper sections of the back muscles).

The figure so far (back)

All in all, I was pleased with how this came out.

The figure so far (front)