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Villagers: Ze Doktor

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£5.00 GBP


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J Womack 94 writes:

Why oh why couldn't these have been in the Showcase, to bump those horrid Cellmate Boxer Rebellion blobs from the frontpage?

Very nice work, by the way. I keep looking at these minis and thinking VSF civilians. The Doctor in particular would be quite useful.

Revision Log
22 October 2008page first published

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19th Century
Science Fiction

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian writes:

The skin of the doctor was painted in the same colours as that of the landlord (GW Foundation Tallarn Flesh, and highlighting with VMC955 Flat Flesh and the VMC815 Basic Skintone). His sideburns were basecoated in GW Codex Grey, and highlighted by adding more and more VMC820 Offwhite applied through very light drybrushed layers. The spectacles' frame was painted in VMC998 Bronze, and his scarf was basecoated in VMC884 Stone Grey and highlighted by adding more and more VMC820 Offwhite to the mix, up to pure white.

The trousers were basecoated in VMC990 Light Grey, highlighted with VMC905 U.S. Bluegrey and VMC907 Pale Greyblue, finally adding a little VMC820 Offwhite to the mix. The leather of his boots and handbag was painted in the same way as the blacksmith's boots, i.e. with a mix of GW Chaos Black and GW Scorched Brown, adding more and more GW Bestial Brown for the highlights. The cane was painted in GW Chaos Black, and the handle in VMC863 Gunmetal Grey highlighted with VMC864 Natural Steel.

The coat and top hat were basecoated in GW Chaos Black, and highlighted using VMC862 Black Grey and then adding GW Foundation Adeptus Battlegrey to the mix; a very thinned-down wash of GW Brown and Black Ink was layered on to tint the final highlights and maintain the impression of black (and not grey). Finally, in order to add a touch of colour, I painted the lapel of the coat in red, starting with VMC814 Burnt Cadmium Red and adding VMC957 Flat Red and VMC817 Scarlet.

Ze Doktor (front)
Ze Doktor (back)