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21 November 2002page first published

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We invited Finalist Jana Wang to introduce herself:

Here's some info about me:

I began gaming in the early 80's when I was introduced to D&D, and managed to retain an interest in various boardgames and RPG's despite the book burnings and general hysteria. I still play a variety of computer games, RPGs, card games, and tabletop army/skirmish games, whatever looks like it could be fun.

One of my old style goblin wolfriders for WFB - I like the way the blending comes out on the wolves

My real interest in miniatures is painting. I just recently switched from oils to acrylics, and have spent the last year or so learning how to paint all over again. For the most part I am happy to just paint the figures - conversions really aren't my thing, though I have done a few and was pleased with the results.

Finally painted one of my Age of Aegyptus figures from Crocodile Games

My husband is a sculptor, modeller, computer artist, and fellow science fiction enthusiast, so we try to attend at least one major gaming convention a year in order to see what is new.

the result of a 45 minute timed speed painting competition - it won

I haven't painted much in 15mm, but I prefer the smaller scales to the larger ones.