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Hellboy Villains: Rasputin

Hellboy Villains Miniatures
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$24.95 USD


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Alxbates writes:

This guy'd make a great generic evil sorcerer in any setting. Cool mini, very nice paintjobs!

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26 February 2009page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

RobH writes:

I wanted this figure to reflect the evil nature of the character, both in the comics but especially as played by Karel Roden in the 2004 movie.

In order to give a velvet look to the robe, it was painted in Scorched Brown to which a tiny drop of black had been added. The highlights were slowly built up using very thin washes of Blood Red (dozens and dozens of them). The aim was to create the impression of subtle light catching the creases of a deep red velvet robe. The trim and chest symbol were done in a NMM style with Snakebite Leather highlighted with Bubonic Brown, with an ultimate reflection of Bubonic Brown mixed with a tiny bit of white.

Flesh tone is Dwarf Flesh, and highlighted with Dwarf Flesh mixed 50/50 with Elf Flesh, Elf Flesh on its own. and finally, Elf Flesh mixed 50/50 with white.
