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Painting a Dark Sword Chick in Chain Mail - Part 3

Masterworks: Elmore Set #1
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14 June 2005page first published

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Luxuriant strawberry-blonde curls

With the mail and skin bits out of the way, I turned to her hair. The hair on this figure is very nicely sculpted, and I wanted to show it off as well as I could.

First, I decided to go with a non-standard color; brunettes and blondes are overdone, so I decided a redhead was in order.

I started off by giving the hair a base of IWM Red-Brown. I was very careful not to slop it all over - I didn't want to have to fix any mistakes!

Base of IWM Red-Brown

To add some deeper color, I washed the hair with GW Flesh Wash. Again, I applied this very carefully so it wouldn't run down onto her armor and skin areas.

Washed with Flesh Wash

Next, I did some initial highlights of Partha Paints Oxide Orange (a dark orange) mixed with a small amount of IWM Red-Brown.

First highlights added

I then added a small amount of GW Bad Moon Yellow (I don't know the current name) to my orange/red-brown mix, and did another highlight layer.

After the second highlight layer

For the final highlights, I used straight (but thinned – always thin your paints!!) Bad Moon Yellow to hit what I wanted to be the brightest spots (the part, top of curls, bottom edge of hair, and a wavy band across the back of her head). Think of how real hair looks and simulate that look - better yet, work from reference art/photos – this is immensely helpful!

The next three shots show the finished hair.

Finished hair
Finished hair
Finished hair